

Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That’s not the place to become discouraged.


From his neck down a man is worth a couple of dollars a day, from his neck up he is worth anything that his brain can produce.


The inventor can’t do it all, you’ve got to change people.We have an enormous capacity to invent super-machinery.But our desire to install the device is weak.Human inertia is the problem, not invention.Something in man makes him resist change.


The First 40 hours of work per week are for survival.Everything after that is for success.


I believe that the science of chemistry alone almost proves the existence of an intelligent creator.


I do not believe in the God of the theologians.but that there is a Supreme Intelligence I do not doubt.


Accomplishing something provides the only real satisfaction in life.


Continued innovation is the best way to beat the competition.


The only time I really become discouraged is when I think of all the things I would like to do and the little time I have in which to do them.


I owe my success to the fact that I never had a clock in my workroom. Seventy-five of us worked twenty hours every day and slept only four hours – and thrived on it.

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