

Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux, and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.


恐れることは ただ一つ。恐れを知らぬ 戦士と為ること。


Instead of hoping he must fear and instead of fearing he must hope.


What has happened in the past will happen again, and again, and again.This is because human nature does not change, and it is human emotion, solidly build into human nature, that always gets in the way of human intelligence. Of this I am sure.


Failure to take advantage of a serendipitous act of good luck in the stock market is often a mistake.


I don’t know whether I make myself plain, but I never lose my temper over the stock market. I never argue with the tape. Getting sore at the market doesn’t get you anywhere.


I can only rise by knowledge, If I fall it must be by my own blunders.


All through time, people have basically acted and reacted the same way in the market as a result of greed, fear, ignorance, and hope.That is why the numerical formations and patterns recur on a constant basis.All through time, people have basically acted and reacted the same way in the market as a result of greed, fear, ignorance, and hope.


In a narrow market, when prices are not getting anywhere to speak of but move within a narrow range, there is no sense in trying to anticipate what the next big movement is going to be.The thing to do is to watch the market, read the tape to determine the limits of the get nowhere prices, and make up your mind that you will not take an interest until the prices breaks through the limit in either direction.


Emotional control is the most essential factor in playing the market. Never lose control of your emotions when the market moves against you. Don’t get too confident over your wins or too despondent over your losses.

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