

Inspiration can be found in a pile of junk. Sometimes, you can put it together with a good imagination and invent something.


As a cure for worrying, work is far better than whiskey.I always found that, if I began to worry, the best thing I could do was focus upon doing something useful and then work very hard at it.


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I think corporate managers should learn to be better investors because it would make them better managers.


A rough rule in life is that an organization foolish in one way in dealing with a complex system is all too likely to be foolish in another.


It’s human nature to extrapolate the recent past into the future, but it’s terrible that managements go along with this.


It’s a finite and very competitive world. All large aggregations of capital eventually find it hell on earth to grow and thus find a lower rate of return.


Understanding how to be a good investor makes you a better business manager and vice versa.


We look for a horse with one chance in two of winning and which pays you three to one.


I think you’ll make more money in the end with good ethics than bad. Even though there are some people who do very well, like Marc Rich-who plainly has never had any decent ethics, or seldom anyway. But in the end, Warren Buffett has done better than Marc Rich-in money-not just in reputation.

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